Sunday 9 October 2011

Similarity and Differences of Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! Groups


I hope all of us are in the pink of health and have a good day.

I would like to share my thoughts about the similarity of Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! Groups.

  • Both of Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! groups are the medium to let us to keep in touch with our family, friends and colleague or meet new people to share thoughts, experience, information or anything we want.

However, there are several differences between Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! Groups.

  • Yahoo!.mail is more private than Yahoo! groups. Using Yahoo!.mail, we can send our email to certain email address which we desire to contact.
  • However, Yahoo! groups is more like public conversation, the email sent to all the members of that group automatically when we post any message.
  • In this case, with Yahoo! groups we can only share certain topic or information that is not private or secret,or else, anybody will know your dirty little secret.
  • On top of that, Yahoo!.mail toolbar is slightly different with Yahoo! Groups.
  • At Yahoo!.mail, when we want to create message, we click on the 'Compose Message' button at the left side of the page and type the message.
  • At Yahoo! Groups, we can create message by clicking 'Post' link also at the left side of the page and will be sent to all members of the group.
  • On top of that, we can add signature at Yahoo!.mail. Each time we compose our message, it will appear and sent together with the messages. While Yahoo! Groups, it doesn't have signature.
  • Yahoo!.mail is managed by only one person, only that person can read the messages and  compose messages to others.
  • Whereas Yahoo! Groups, it has a moderator which administrate the group and can post all the messages to all members in the list. Not just that, the members of the group can also post messages to the moderator and also the other members.
  • At Yahoo!.mail, the user of the account can add or approve anybody who wants to contact the user. While at Yahoo! Groups, there is a moderator who responsibled to approve anybody who wants to join the group. The moderator is the only person who can invite anybody, members of the group can not invite anybody which they want.
  •  As far as i know, at Yahoo!.mail, we can add several email address by clicking (+) at the end of the column (To) . While at Yahoo! Groups, there's only one email address which is the groups email address only.
  • Another thing I found is, at the Yahoo!.mail, we can attach file like documents, photos or music, add emoticons and also change the format of typing. However, in Yahoo! Groups, we can only type our message as been formated without any features of attachment or any of the features above.
I think, that's all I can found about the similarity and differences of the Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! Groups. I'll explore more in the meantime. Thank you. Wassalam.

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