Tuesday 18 October 2011

Original And Licensed Software

My partner and I choose this topic because we thought we have some background knowledge about this topic and we thought it was easy to search about the information. However, once we start ‘googling’, we found that there’s a lot of information which relate to this topic but we can’t search the exact information we want.
But then, when I go back to my room, I try to figure out how I can find the exact information about original and licensed software are all about. Thus, I decided to type the title separately. First, I search for Original Software and then, I search for Licensed Software.
After I get some information about the topic, I read through the whole passages, page by page. It was so horrible that I can’t understand what are the topic is all about. However, with  full of determination, I try to read again the next morning. I try to get the meaning and straight away rephrasing the sentences in order to prevent from been accused as plagiarism and make the things clearer for myself as well as others who read this. After that, I discussed with my partner, Nor Khairunnisa binti Mazlan to get the information crystal clear as working in pairs will enhance our understanding towards the topic. Finally, we manage to understand and continue our task.
I hope that you will get some information about this topic from our understanding.

Original and Licensed Software

Original Software can be defined as an authentic and genuine program written by a software engineer. It is produced for the first time and not photocopied from other software. Moreover, there is no piracy or duplication. The software is originally produced by a specific person.
Licensed Software can be defined as software which has been given a license before it can be used by user. An end user and a software publisher of the licensed application should have a contract of agreement before using the software. This process is called software licensing.

Software publisher needs to license their software in order to protect the software from piracy, duplication, redistribution or software infringement by any irresponsible party. Besides that, it is emphasized that software publisher should critically license their software to the recipient very carefully in order to retain the intellectual property rights (IPR) and the ability to generate revenues from their work. As software is licensed, the publisher is protected from the unpredictable circumstances that might happen as consequences of using the software. For example,  or if there is anything happen like crash to loss of data, time or income from using the software, users can’t blame or take any charge to the publisher. From the user aspect, they should use only the original and licensed software even though it is much more expensive than the unoriginal one in order to protect their computer and preventing from accusation of software piracy.

A contract of agreement between a software publisher and an end user of the licensed application is a software licensing. It can be a paper agreement but it is usually embedded in the software itself as part of the installation process. However, there is a requirement of considerable legal expertise to manage and negotiate the much more complex agreements in larger corporations. This contract of agreement protects the author’s copyright and intellectual property rights (IPR) by placing restrictions on the end user in relation to the usage of the application. Duplication for purposes other than backup, installation on more than one computer, editing the code, or changing the program in any way is usually forbidden unless the product is ‘open source’ are the examples of restriction which have been proclaimed to give software publishers more control over the way their software is used. When the software is already licensed, and the originality and authenticity has been proven, automatically all the functions of the software can be used.

We use original and licensed softwarein any firm, university, college, school and even house which owns computer.

In any time while using computer we are most probably using original and licensed software. Before we start working with computer, we are critically advised to check and license each of the software which have or will be installed.


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