Monday 3 October 2011

My First Two Week Class

Assalamualaikum to all,

Firstly, I would like to share my expectations towards this course (GE1155). Once I enter this course, I feel quite nervous and not totally confident that I can survive along the course because I'm not an intelligent-ICT. However, once the lecturer came and introduce herself, I feel very grateful to have a very kind-hearted, dedicated and sporting lecturer, Prof. Norazah Mohd Nordin. She is a very understanding person, she taught us how to do all the things step by step because not all  of us are familiar with some of the things to do like to create 'yahoo group', create accounts and so on. By looking at the proforma and with assisted by my dear lecturer, I think I can do the best in this course.

*What I have learned so far?
> I learned how to create a Yahoo! and Gmail e-mail account.
> I learned how to put my signature in Yahoo! mail.
> I learned how to create a Yahoo! group.
> I learned how to create a Facebook account.
> I learned how to create a Facebook Group.

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