Monday 24 October 2011

Computer in Educational Research (Week 5-6)

Assalamualaikum and hye everybody,

Educational Research Process

In conducting educational research, we should explore, describe, explain, or predict the educational phenomenon using systematic data collection and analyze the procedures. According to Creswell J.W.(2004) there are several steps that should be followed by educational research studies in order to produce an excellent educational research. For example, the steps are planning, data gathering and analysis, and reporting process which consist of the following steps:


  • Step 1 - Identify the problem or topic
  • Step 2 - Review prior research
  • Step 3 - Determine the purpose, research questions, or hypotheses
  • Step 4 - Consider research implications
  • Step 5 - Construct a research proposal
  • Step 6 - Gather data
  • Step 7 - Analyze Data
  • Step 8 - Determine findings
  • Step 9 - Report conclusions, implications, and limitations
So, that is the process that can be a guideline to our mini research.
All the best!

Online Questionnaire - Survey Monkey

Assalamualaikum and a very warm afternoon to all,

Today, I've learned how to create questionnaires using survey monkey. I've never done such questionnaire like this. This is totally new to me. However, with all the guidelines given, I've try to explore with my other colleagues on how to create questionnaire using Before I  create the survey, I sign up first, it is free.

Then, there is two choices, whether fill in the particular information needed or just sign up with Google account. I choose to sign up with Google account because it is easier I already have a lot of password to be remembered and I'm afraid I can't remember those if I create a new one.

Now, I can start creating my questionnaire. 
There's several steps required to design and administer a questionnaire:
  • Define the objectives of the survey
  • Determine the target group 
  • Write the questionnaire
  • Administer the questionnaire
  • Interpret the results

My partner and I already done designing our questionnaire survey based on the title
'Original and Licensed Software. I hope all of you can enjoy answering our survey at . Your participation will be appreciate.

Google Docs/Form - Printed Questionnaire

We can also create questionnaire using Google Documents or preferably called 'Google Docs'. This questionnaire can be printed and distributed to any students in UKM to the respondents of our survey.

  • The first thing you should do is to log in to Google account using your username and password.
  • Search for 'Google Documents'.
  • Click 'CREATE' and select 'FORM'.

  • You can start writing your survey, add your survey title at 'Untitled Form'. 
  • Below it, write any information regarding your survey.
  • Write your question at 'Question Title'.
  • Select 'Multiple Choice' at 'Question Type'. (Optional)

  • Complete all your questions and save it.
  • You can choose the 'Theme' for your survey to make it interesting and impress the respondents.
  • Copy the link under the survey and post it at Facebook Group to let your friends answer the survey. 
  • All the data will be used in SPSS analysis later on.
  • You can print the questionnaire and distribute to other students to make variable respondents  in your survey statistics.
  • You can see the complete survey at the website. Thank you and have a nice day!

That's all, thank you. I'll write to you again sooner.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

Original And Licensed Software

My partner and I choose this topic because we thought we have some background knowledge about this topic and we thought it was easy to search about the information. However, once we start ‘googling’, we found that there’s a lot of information which relate to this topic but we can’t search the exact information we want.
But then, when I go back to my room, I try to figure out how I can find the exact information about original and licensed software are all about. Thus, I decided to type the title separately. First, I search for Original Software and then, I search for Licensed Software.
After I get some information about the topic, I read through the whole passages, page by page. It was so horrible that I can’t understand what are the topic is all about. However, with  full of determination, I try to read again the next morning. I try to get the meaning and straight away rephrasing the sentences in order to prevent from been accused as plagiarism and make the things clearer for myself as well as others who read this. After that, I discussed with my partner, Nor Khairunnisa binti Mazlan to get the information crystal clear as working in pairs will enhance our understanding towards the topic. Finally, we manage to understand and continue our task.
I hope that you will get some information about this topic from our understanding.

Original and Licensed Software

Original Software can be defined as an authentic and genuine program written by a software engineer. It is produced for the first time and not photocopied from other software. Moreover, there is no piracy or duplication. The software is originally produced by a specific person.
Licensed Software can be defined as software which has been given a license before it can be used by user. An end user and a software publisher of the licensed application should have a contract of agreement before using the software. This process is called software licensing.

Software publisher needs to license their software in order to protect the software from piracy, duplication, redistribution or software infringement by any irresponsible party. Besides that, it is emphasized that software publisher should critically license their software to the recipient very carefully in order to retain the intellectual property rights (IPR) and the ability to generate revenues from their work. As software is licensed, the publisher is protected from the unpredictable circumstances that might happen as consequences of using the software. For example,  or if there is anything happen like crash to loss of data, time or income from using the software, users can’t blame or take any charge to the publisher. From the user aspect, they should use only the original and licensed software even though it is much more expensive than the unoriginal one in order to protect their computer and preventing from accusation of software piracy.

A contract of agreement between a software publisher and an end user of the licensed application is a software licensing. It can be a paper agreement but it is usually embedded in the software itself as part of the installation process. However, there is a requirement of considerable legal expertise to manage and negotiate the much more complex agreements in larger corporations. This contract of agreement protects the author’s copyright and intellectual property rights (IPR) by placing restrictions on the end user in relation to the usage of the application. Duplication for purposes other than backup, installation on more than one computer, editing the code, or changing the program in any way is usually forbidden unless the product is ‘open source’ are the examples of restriction which have been proclaimed to give software publishers more control over the way their software is used. When the software is already licensed, and the originality and authenticity has been proven, automatically all the functions of the software can be used.

We use original and licensed softwarein any firm, university, college, school and even house which owns computer.

In any time while using computer we are most probably using original and licensed software. Before we start working with computer, we are critically advised to check and license each of the software which have or will be installed.


That's all for today...
Thanks for visiting my blog...
Please come again and have a nice day!

Friday 14 October 2011

Course / Learning Management System

Hello everybody,

My partner and I already completed the assignment on Course/Learning Management System (C/LMS). We found that CLMS enhance our learning process as it allows students to communicate or interact with lecturers or their friends anywhere and anytime they want. The software which have been built like SPIN help to enhance the flexibility of the learning process. Students can look through the announcements, lecture notes, online tutorial as well as online quizzes. Thus, it is also save money, time and energy.

I hope that you can give response or feedback on the topic.


Course or learning management system is a software application that based in web technology that is used to plan, execute and assess learning process.Usually , a learning management system provides an instructor with a way to create and deliver content,monitor students participation and students performance.Besides,a learning management system can also provides students with the ability to use interactive features such as videos conferencing,and forum discussions.This system is a software package that enables the management and delivery of learning content and resources to students. Most of the LMS systems are web based to make students or instructors to access learning content and administration at anywhere and anytime .


A learning management system paly the important role in the field of education  especially for educators and students.LMS provides many types of e-learning and look for the best of programmes or software based on their requirements.This is because LMS  have the best features including of data sharing,documents and catalog for the courses that have been reviewed and very useful especially for students.Other than that,CLMS also plays the important role in business.Any business need a programme that can help them to manage conferences,and enables to allow information and  various documents  and change through internet.This is because LMS have some other applications that can increase the communication.


Nowadays,there is a lot of demand of the usage of Learning Management System to enhance the effectiveness of learning process.They search for the best of the programmes or software to meet their requirement.It has been so many years,people are increasingly realized the significance of having a competent environment for e-learning.Let’s go to the straight to the subject matter,the users of CLMS are increasingly bigger,most of them are from educational institutions such as educators ,instructors and students.Instructors can manage their courses and exchange information with students.For a course that in most cases will last several times during those weeks.Thus,the course may be much shorter in length,completed in a single instructor-led event or online session.On the other hand,CLMS also plays a vital role in the world of business .Employer can manage  their  employee and exchange information and various documents via internet.They also using CLMS to help them in managing video conferences to make their business run smoothly and effectively in just a minute.


There are a lot advantages by using Learning Management System especially in the field of education and business.Examples of the advantages are facilitate e-learning with an online learning platform,tracking and reporting to enhance performance,combined all training information into one system,manage and track staff training with an LMS many others.

Thera are many benefits of e-learning, and while an LMS is not essential to implementing online learning it can often make it easier to manage and deploy. Some of LMS solutions include tools to help author e-learning courses, and almost all decent systems can easily import courses in various industry standard formats for example SCORM that have been created using separate authoring tools. An LMS often provides a single, branded portal for e-learning delivery.

The LMS also allows organizational users  to review a required learning path,track progress against the learning path,review records of success and register for additional courses.Employers can offer these course through various media including instructor-led training ,web-based training  or can access the same records of records and can also analyze the records data to determine areas of sucess for needed improvement.

There  should be easier and much benefits to having all training information in a single, consolidated system. Through that you can review and report on the status of company-wide training programs, identify staff who have completed certain qualifications, and much more.Its diferent and useful  rather than having to search through several disparate systems and paper files to find what you need, the right LMS puts all training information at your fingertips

Then,training administration can be time-consuming and difficult, particularly in medium to large organizations with many staff working in different roles across a variety of physical locations. The right learning management system  can streamline this administrative effort, making it easy to ensure each staff member receives the appropriate training as well as helping manage the classrooms, instructors, equipment and other resources needed to deliver the courses.


What is SPIN?

SPIN is one of the examples of Course/Learning Management System which has been set up to make teaching and learning management to become interactive. This system has been used at National University of Malaysia, UKM to make the teaching and learning process more interactive, innovative, flexible, and easier. Lecturers and students can interact with each other using this system anytime they want whenever they have problems or difficulty regarding on their learning subjects. Besides that, other institution; public university, colleges and schools around Malaysia are also has been using this system to enhance their teaching and learning process in interactive way. Thus, through this system lecturers/teachers and students can communicate to each other without spending too much time and money. 

How to Use SPIN?

Before we can start using SPIN, we should apply our password at using our own email account. So, make sure that your email account is still valid because the password will be sent through your email. So, SPIN can only be used by UKM students and staff, using their username (matrix card) and password (which has been given by the system through email). Then, you can straight away start using SPIN. You can upload all the course proforma for all subjects taken, email your lecturer and course-mate, uploading all the notes, answer quizzes as well as look at the announcements made by any lecturer of the courses that you are taking on that semester.

Who Use SPIN?

SPIN is especially built only for National University of Malaysia students and staff. So, only lecturers and students at UKM can use this system.

Why We Should Use SPIN?

Significantly, SPIN enhance the interactive of teaching and learning process. This system make the process easier for students and lecturers. They can communicate with each other through the system without wasting too much time and money. Moreover, in this rapid technological development, everything is use with technology which enforce everybody to use the technology to ensure the process of teaching and learning goes smoothly.

What can we get from SPIN?
  • Announcements from lecturers
  • Download course proforma and all the notes 
  • Look for questions and guideline for assignments  
  • Do quizzes and online tutorials
  • Chat or Email to lecturers and other course-mate
Advantages of using SPIN

  • Easy to interact with lecturers
  • Can access the data easily
  • Lecturers can upload notes anytime in just a minute
  • Can get information in fastest way
  • Students will be autonomous in managing some their own learning process
  • Lecturers can save cost and time in distributing notes
  • Students can download the notes before the class and do online tutorials in a fun way
  • Calendar can be used as date reference if any changes happen on lectures time and date

Sunday 9 October 2011


Assalamualaikum and a very nice day to all,

I would like to share about what I have learnt in Yahoo!.mail.
In Yahoo!.mail, we can insert our signature (email addresses or url from any generator) to indicate our additional information.

After I completed all the registeration of Yahoo!.mail , Yahoo! Groups, Gmail, Blog, Facebook and Facebook Group, I can put all the url at my Signature.

This is how I set the signature :
  1. Find and click Options > Mail Options link (on top of the page at the leftside)
  2. Find and click Signature link (at the leftside)
  3. Choose  > Show a signature on all outgoing messages.
  4. Fill in the blanks with all the information about ourselves.
  5. Save all changes.

That's all for now.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Have a nice and wonderful day!


Steps Taken To Create Gmail account and Blog

Assalamualaikum and salam 1 Malaysia to all,

I've already create my official Gmail account, this is how I create it.
  • Click on the 'Create An Account' button to get started.

  • After that, complete all the information required on each column. 


  • Finally, click on 'I Accept. Create My Account' button.
  • Now, I can create my Blog as my Gmail account has completely registered.


Before this, I never create blog. However, in this Computer in Education course, I've learned how to create one and I'm going to create more later. It is quite easy as I've been given some guides from the lecturer and friends. Thanks to them, I've successfully created my blog.

  • The first thing I do is go to Google > Blogger to get started.

Then, just fill in those required information.
  1. Create Account (gmail account which have been created earlier)
  2. Name Blog (a137246s2k2 Nurul Nadia Abu Bakar - TESL)
  3. Choose Template (any design which you desired to choose)

Finally, all the usefull information, thoughts or idea can be shared on this blog.

That's all for today. Thank you.

How I Create My Official Facebook Account and Facebook Group?

Assalamualaikum and a very good day to all,

I believe that most of people from youngsters to adolescent, they know about Facebook.
On my first class, I've been assigned to create my official Facebook account for academic use. It is easy as ABC. 

Firstly, we should go to Facebook, register our account by fill in all the information required and click on the Sign Up button.

After that, we are alraedy as a Facebook user, we can add friends, upload picture to our profile picture and explore more about the Facebook.

After we had joined the Facebook, we can now create our own Facebook Group. Click Groups, then find Create Group button and click it. We should name our group as desired, but my course coordinator demanded me to name the group with matric card, course group, full name and also programme > A137246S2K2NurulNadiaAbuBakar-TESL. In the description box, should be filled with full name and programme (Nurul Nadia Bte Abu Bakar - TESL) .We can straight away add our friends to our group.

That's all. Thank you and have a nice day.

Steps Taken To Sign Up Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! Groups

Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia,

Today I would like to tell you what I've learnt so far in Computer in Education class. First thing we were assigned to sign up our official Yahoo!.mail for academic use. This is how I create my new Yahoo!.mail account.

Firstly, I go to Yahoo! homepage. Then, I click at the Sign Up link.

Next, I fill up all the information required. *(Make sure that all the information is valid). After everything is complete, I click on the 'Create My Account' button.

Finally, I completed my registeration on Yahoo!.mail account. Now, I can start using Yahoo!.mail. First thing after I've created my Yahoo!.mail account, I need to send email to my dear lecturer, PM Dr. Norazah Bt Mohd Nordin and also the course coordinator, Dr. Siti Fatimah Bt Mohd Yassin introducing myself to let them approve me as the student of that class.

 Now, it's time for me to explain about how I sign up for the Yahoo! Groups.

Firstly, I go to Yahoo homepage, then I search for 'Groups' link at the bottom of the page and click it.


After that, I click on the Start Your Group link.

Next, what I need to do is choose group category from the Browse Group Categories. I choose School and Education category.

After I select the category, the next step will appear, 'Describe Your Group'. Firstly, I should named my group with my matric number (A137246), Course group (S2K2), full name (Nurul Nadia Abu Bakar) and my programme (TESL). It will appear like this - a137246s2k2NurulNadiaAbuBakarTESL. Secondly, I should write the email address for the group. Thirdly, I need to write my full name (Nurul Nadia Bte Abu Bakar) as well as my programme (TESL) in the description box.

Lastly, I need to select my profile and type the code to verify the email.

Now, I can start using and explore more about Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! Groups.
That's all for this time, thank you.
I'll tell you more about what I've learned in the Computer in Education course on the next post. 
See you soon.

Similarity and Differences of Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! Groups


I hope all of us are in the pink of health and have a good day.

I would like to share my thoughts about the similarity of Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! Groups.

  • Both of Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! groups are the medium to let us to keep in touch with our family, friends and colleague or meet new people to share thoughts, experience, information or anything we want.

However, there are several differences between Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! Groups.

  • Yahoo!.mail is more private than Yahoo! groups. Using Yahoo!.mail, we can send our email to certain email address which we desire to contact.
  • However, Yahoo! groups is more like public conversation, the email sent to all the members of that group automatically when we post any message.
  • In this case, with Yahoo! groups we can only share certain topic or information that is not private or secret,or else, anybody will know your dirty little secret.
  • On top of that, Yahoo!.mail toolbar is slightly different with Yahoo! Groups.
  • At Yahoo!.mail, when we want to create message, we click on the 'Compose Message' button at the left side of the page and type the message.
  • At Yahoo! Groups, we can create message by clicking 'Post' link also at the left side of the page and will be sent to all members of the group.
  • On top of that, we can add signature at Yahoo!.mail. Each time we compose our message, it will appear and sent together with the messages. While Yahoo! Groups, it doesn't have signature.
  • Yahoo!.mail is managed by only one person, only that person can read the messages and  compose messages to others.
  • Whereas Yahoo! Groups, it has a moderator which administrate the group and can post all the messages to all members in the list. Not just that, the members of the group can also post messages to the moderator and also the other members.
  • At Yahoo!.mail, the user of the account can add or approve anybody who wants to contact the user. While at Yahoo! Groups, there is a moderator who responsibled to approve anybody who wants to join the group. The moderator is the only person who can invite anybody, members of the group can not invite anybody which they want.
  •  As far as i know, at Yahoo!.mail, we can add several email address by clicking (+) at the end of the column (To) . While at Yahoo! Groups, there's only one email address which is the groups email address only.
  • Another thing I found is, at the Yahoo!.mail, we can attach file like documents, photos or music, add emoticons and also change the format of typing. However, in Yahoo! Groups, we can only type our message as been formated without any features of attachment or any of the features above.
I think, that's all I can found about the similarity and differences of the Yahoo!.mail and Yahoo! Groups. I'll explore more in the meantime. Thank you. Wassalam.

Monday 3 October 2011

My First Two Week Class

Assalamualaikum to all,

Firstly, I would like to share my expectations towards this course (GE1155). Once I enter this course, I feel quite nervous and not totally confident that I can survive along the course because I'm not an intelligent-ICT. However, once the lecturer came and introduce herself, I feel very grateful to have a very kind-hearted, dedicated and sporting lecturer, Prof. Norazah Mohd Nordin. She is a very understanding person, she taught us how to do all the things step by step because not all  of us are familiar with some of the things to do like to create 'yahoo group', create accounts and so on. By looking at the proforma and with assisted by my dear lecturer, I think I can do the best in this course.

*What I have learned so far?
> I learned how to create a Yahoo! and Gmail e-mail account.
> I learned how to put my signature in Yahoo! mail.
> I learned how to create a Yahoo! group.
> I learned how to create a Facebook account.
> I learned how to create a Facebook Group.